Colleagues have the right to expect a secure and safe working environment. Colleagues, patients and visitors on BSW premises, working from home or working in the community on ICB business, should be confident of their personal safety and the security of property, buildings and equipment. The Local Security Management Specialist (LSMS) will work with the ICB to reduce instances of violence or aggression using numerous tools including site security reviews, training, raising colleague awareness, incident investigation, publicity campaigns and surveys.
Read the CP07 Security Management Policy for further information.
Supporting documents are also available:
CP07 Security Management Policy Action Card SP01 BSW ICB Colleague Identification Guidance
CP07 Security Management Policy Action Card SP03 BSW ICB Lone Working Guidance
CP07 Security Management Policy Action Card SP04 BSW ICB Suspicious (suspect) packages unattended items Guidance
CP07 Security Management Policy Action Card SP05 BSW ICB Lock Down Guidance
Local Security Management Service
BSW has contracted TIAA to provide its Local Security Management Service.
Our LSMS supports the ICB with a wide range of security related issues including:
- our security arrangements, including our conflict resolution and lone working
- the security arrangements of our provider organisations to ensure they are able to keep our patients safe and continue to provide health services.
If you have any security concerns please report these to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Information Governance & Assurance ManagerThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Local Security Management Specialist, TIAA or call on: 07876 547691This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Senior Fraud and Security Manager or call on: 07580 971240
Site Security Arrangements
The landlords of BSW premises are responsible for physical site security. As part of these security arrangements, all BSW colleagues must wear their ID card at all times. If you misplace your ID card or access card/fob, you must immediately report this to the
Visitors will also be required to sign in/out of the premises, must be collected from Reception and must be accompanied at all times while within the building. If you see anyone unaccompanied in the building that is not wearing an ID card, please challenge them if it is safe to do so.
Site security risk assessments will be carried out on a regular basis.
Read the latest Security Focus Newsletter: None available at this time.