Lone working
Most ICB colleagues now work from home. This is likely to mean that colleagues will be on their own in their home for some or all of the day. The ICB has a responsibility to colleagues while they are working from home. Each colleague must fill in and discuss a Home Working Risk Assessment with their line manager that must then be filed on their electronic HR personal file.
All line managers should take this opportunity to explore suitable lone working safeguards including around personal security, DSE and welfare. If you are providing a front line service to patients it may be sensible to arrange an end-of-the-day call with your line manager to discuss the conversations that you have had during the day and raise any difficulties or concerns. If you have very few meetings during the day/week, a regular check-in call could be arranged with your line manager or another colleague. Designating a ‘buddy’ for each colleague can help by maintaining an element of daily chat.
ICB colleagues are agile workers. This means that the majority of colleagues will work from home but will also be able to book a ‘hot desk’ at a BSW office or partner organisation premises and attend face-to-face meetings and travel for work. Colleagues must ensure that their line manager is aware of how they will be working and arrangements must be in place to confirm the whereabouts of each colleague and their wellbeing. This will include the comprehensive and timely use of the Outlook calendar. Colleagues must also ensure that their contact details and the details and description of their vehicle are up-to-date.
Further advice on specific areas of lone working risk can be found at the following links:
- Advice for all lone workers
- Working alone at ICB and partner organisation premises
- Working alone in patient’s homes or care homes
- Travelling alone
- The Buddy system
The BSW Lone Working Policy is currently under review but advice can be sought from:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Information Governance & Assurance Manager- Email Lance De Vries, Health & Safety Lead, SCW CSU