Fire Safety
All BSW colleagues are required to undertake fire safety training as part of their induction and refresher courses as stipulated. You can complete this via ConsultOD.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, while colleagues are working from home, we do not have on-site Fire Wardens. Colleagues must implement their fire safety knowledge in both home and office locations, taking care of themselves and others.
All colleagues attending a BSW site must sign in and sign out. In the event of a fire alarm activation, colleagues should immediately leave the building, taking the signing in book with them if safe to do so, and muster in the usual location. The most senior colleague on site will undertake a roll call against the signing in book.
When demand for on-site working increases, we will review Fire Safety provision and instigate appropriate arrangements. If you are nominated as a Fire Warden you will have specific duties and receive additional training.
If you have disabilities that would affect your ability to evacuate the building, please discuss these with your line manager and ensure that a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) is in place for you.
Visitor Fire Safety
When BSW colleagues return to working at BSW premises, visitors are likely attend for meetings and for collaborative working.
It is the responsibility of the ICB to have arrangements in place for the evacuation of colleagues and visitors in the event of a fire or where required for another alert. Arrangements will be reviewed and if you are hosting or arranging a meeting with external attendees you will need to confirm whether the attendees have disabilities that would affect their ability to evacuate the building.
If disabilities are acknowledged, a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) will need to be completed for the visitor. If you have disabilities that would affect your ability to evacuate the building, please discuss these with your line manager and ensure that a PEEP is in place for you.